Detail 1

Detail 2

Detail 3

In Process image 1

In Progress Image 2

In Progress Image 3
Acrylic painting 24" x 18" I was inspired by a self portrait by Van Gogh. I wanted to see if I could capture the look and feel that I get whenever I look at his portrait. After I laid in the background color, I began to experiment with his brush work, which I forgot to photograph, so I can't show you my efforts. All I can say is it didn't feel right. The next thing I knew my chaotic brush work took over. I am now at the stage where I will have to let it rest for awhile. I have been looking at it too long. I need to view it again with fresh eyes. I tried to be loose and free as possible with obvious bush work and texture. I may not be comfortable with his brush work, but I still am greatly influenced by style of painting.