Cups of Memories
“Cups of Memories” is an acrylic paintings, 21” x 14”. This is the story behind the art … I first did this image as a class project during the early 90’s. I was taking an on line Adobe Illustrator class through the Corcoran School of Art. I had decided to take this class after my significant other of ten years passed away from complications of HIV. I was hoping the class would distract my mind from thoughts of loss and depression. The class instructor asked us to do a still life from objects in our home. Craig and I had collected all sorts of memorabilia together. I chose to use our favorite coffee mug collection. When the illustration was complete and I had submitted my project, I was driving to work the next morning thinking of my image, then words began to form in my mind. I ran into my work space and quickly wrote them down. This is a clear example where one creation can lead to the creation of something new. If there is anyone out there that has collected items with a loved one, then you may be able to identify with this. I have learned the joy we feel today will be part of the pain we will know tomorrow. That’s the deal. It is the price we have to pay in order to love. CUPS OF MEMORIES They’re just empty cups in the cupboard Which would otherwise be bare They sit and wait in darkness there When you think you are over the worst of it Open that innocent door and see Each cup filled with its own special memory And as each comes into view They overflow with thoughts of joy Mixed with pain So suddenly With sadden heart You must close the cupboard door But they know you will be back again Ron Richard Baviello