Acrylic painting on board, 30" x 34" This painting is dedicated to Lea Henry. I didn’t realize forty years ago when I photographed Lea looking out the window of an old abandoned house that someday I would create a painting with much significance to my life. She was in love with me, and I broke her heart when I told her I was gay. She cried saying, “You don’t need me.” I don’t remember if I said anything at the time, because I didn’t realize how untrue those words were. One day Lea boarded on a Greyhound bus and rode seven days to California to be with our art history professor who loved her. I lost contact with Lea after that, but years later I began searching for her. I searched for thirty years and finally learned from a Facebook friend that Lea died at the age of thirty-eight from complications of breast cancer. All those years I had been searching for her, she was already gone. I wasn’t there by her side. I wasn’t able to tell Lea she was my beloved friend and I needed her and I loved her. All I could do was paint this painting full of loss and regrets.